
The Hounds of No
by Lara Glenum

ISBN: 9780976569213
1 October 2005

In this entirely unheimlich debut, Lara Glenum enters the stage of American poetry like a Fritz Lang glamor-girl-cum-anatomical-model, swinging a string of what might be pearls…. The operating chamber is an operating theater, the stage set of the body indistinguishable from the other institutions that make our provincial village hum: mental hospitals, martyrs’ shrines, finishing schools. In an era where the term “surreal” has all the potency of a wink and a nod, Glenum recovers the political intensity and daring of the Surrealist project.




Lara Glenum is the author of four books of poetry: Pop Corpse! (Action Books, 2013), Maximum Gaga (Action Books, 2009), The Hounds of No (Action Books, 2005) and All Hopped Up on Fleshy Dumdums (Spork Editions, 2013).

 She is also the co-editor, with Arielle Greenberg, of Gurlesque (Saturnalia Books, 2010), an anthology of contemporary women’s poetry and visual art. She is the previous recipient of a Fulbright grant and an NEA Translation Fellowship (with Josef Horacek).

In 2009, she collaborated on the video and sculptural installation Meat Out of the Eater (Hallwalls Contemporary Art Center, NY). Her poems and critical writing have appeared in New American Writing, Fence, Jacket, Conjunctions, The Denver Quarterly and elsewhere. She teaches poetry, multimedia art, translation theory, performance/collaborative art, and classes on international Modernism and the historical Avant-Garde in the MFA program at LSU, where she curates several reading series.