Poesía en acción | Translator Micro-Interview Series: Sarah María Medina
1. How did you start translating Marosa di Giorgio’s work? What drew you to it? I was drawn to the surrealism, the exquisite form of the poetic sequences, the syntax, the prosodic turns of [...]
Poesía en acción #23 | Two excerpts from the poetic sequence “Hearses Loaded With Watermelon” by Marosa di Giorgio and Translator Sarah María Medina
Two excerpts from the poetic sequence “Hearses Loaded With Watermelon” By Marosa di Giorgio Translated by Sarah María Medina 000000I want to enter a garden of velvet-like roses, round, oval, [...]
3 Poems by Rodrigo Toscano
Quitters Band of about 14 quitters, roaming about done quit boards and editorialships demanded someone quit but quit themselves in this State of Quit 14 roam about two quitting over [...]
poetry in action #28 | Jordi Valls Pozo translated by Raoul Izzard
poetry in action features work by poets from around the world, translated into English. It has three rallying cries: Poets of the world, unite and take over! Resist the oppressive constraints of good, publishable poetry established [...]
From Sorcererer, a novel by Jace Brittain
(Sorcererer is now available from Schism Press) dreamt as mountain i [...]
From Southern Gothic Corpse Machine by Hannah V Warren
Now available from Carrion Bloom Books Southern Gothic County Dispatch we are originals: the birthplace of fetishization uncopied unmediated eat us & you eat the actual body of Christ the whole [...]