Poesía en acción | Translator Micro-Interview Series: Anthony Seidman
1. How did you start translating Rodolfo Hinostroza’s work? What drew you to it? The poetry of Rodolfo Hinostroza is legendary. I had heard about his poetry long before I was exposed to Hinostroza’s [...]
Poesía en acción #21 | “Love’s Body” by Rodolfo Hinostroza and Translator Anthony Seidman
“Love’s Body” From Contra Natura By Rodolfo Hinostroza Translated by Anthony Seidman Contra Natura is forthcoming from Cardboard House Press on February 22, 2022! Love’s [...]
Poesía en acción #20 Special Feature | Four Poems by Alfredo Fressia
Four Poems By Alfredo Fressia Translated by Katherine M. Hedeen and Víctor Rodríguez Núñez Alfredo Fressia (Montevideo, 1948-2022) was a poet, journalist, literary critic, translator and university professor. He published his [...]
Mantic Compost Poetics: An Ontological Defense of Surrealism in the Service of Eco-Poetics | “Introduction” and “Part I” by Jake Syersak
Available from Trembling Pillow Press Introduction In his “Materia Poetica,” Wallace Stevens delivers what remains the most pervasive, if not the most detrimental, misunderstanding of Surrealism that persists to this day: The [...]
Five Poems by Kim Yideum, translated by Jake Levine
While You Sleep Running naked though there are no trees, no buildings. running full speed, huffing hard for a place to hide. When we get to the rest stop, I’ll wake her [...]
Fall Garment : Vi Khi Nao interviews Paul Cunningham
VI KHI NAO: How is your toilet? PAUL CUNNINGHAM: My toilet is now in its proper place. Thank you for asking. VKN: Usually I don’t begin with such a private inquiry on such a fixed [...]