motherworld: a devotional for the alter-life: Lightbearing Afrofuturism from Destiny Hemphill
The Prelude: Dank, upsurgent pastoralia from Marty Cain
Something Evergreen Called Life: Nightpiercing songs of exile and intimacy from Sudanese poet Rania Mamoun translated by Yasmine Seale
Zakwato & Loglêdou’s Peril: A Double Translation: Wide-awake, ingenious prophecy from Ivorian poet Azo Vauguy translated by Todd Fredson
Surface Studies (Salvo Series #6) by Mike Corrao
Lara Glenum’s Snow White by Lara Glenum
Cute Girls Watch When I Eat Aether by Mai Ivfjäll
midnight minutes by Víctor Rodríguez Núñez. Translated from the Spanish by Katherine M. Hedeen
Friends with Everyone by Gunnar Wærness. Translated by Gabriel Gudding
Burning the Losses by Antonio Gamoneda. Translated from the Spanish by Katherine M. Hedeen and Víctor Rodríguez Núñez
W&E: A Refracted Translation of Wulf and Eadwacer by M.L. Martin
Death at the Very Touch / The Cold by Jaime Sáenz. Translated from the Spanish by Ted Dodson and Kit Schluter
Call the Necromancer by Leia Penina Wilson