“Resignation” by German Sierra | Strange Fiction Series
Art doesn’t so much mimic reality as morph, stretch, and bewitch it. The so-called rabbit holes, the night thoughts, the stray bits we dismiss, the teeming multiplicity of various “realities” – in the coming months, [...]
Action Fokus | From TERROR COUNTER by Fargo Nissim Tbakhi
To further support Action Books’ growing community of writers and readers, we’ve decided to launch a new initiative on the Action Books Blog. Selected by our editorial staff, a recurring series called Action Fokus will highlight excerpts from [...]
“A Glacial Oil World”; “Whiteout Polar Bears”; and “Expedition Mars” | Three poems from dg nanouk okpik’s Blood Snow
Now available to pre-order from Wave Books! A Glacial Oil World A gray-black storm lies low, above the sea. A 78 mile per hour windchill shatters any water into icebergs, as I [...]
Action Fokus | From Iamb(s) and Butterfly(lies) or Amour & Psyche: A Butterfly Study by Hans Arnfrid Astel, translated by Eric Wayne Dickey
To further support Action Books’ growing community of writers and readers, we’ve decided to launch a new initiative on the Action Books Blog. Selected by our editorial staff, a recurring series called Action Fokus will highlight excerpts from [...]
September 2022 | Micro-Reviews of Poetry in Translation (Part II)
curated by Katherine M. Hedeen Reviewing poetry in translation recognizes translators as authors destabilizes narrow definitions of originality, authenticity, and authorship makes visible the artistry of translation is dissent, defiance, disobedience, subversion, solidarity [...]
September 2022 | Action Books’ Micro-Reviews of Poetry in Translation (Part I)
curated by Katherine M. Hedeen Reviewing poetry in translation recognizes translators as authors destabilizes narrow definitions of originality, authenticity, and authorship makes visible the artistry of translation is dissent, defiance, disobedience, subversion, solidarity [...]