Monstered Interiors and Disappearing Floor: The Ur-Landscapes of Kate Durbin and Evan Isoline
“The inner landscapes ignore humans. They do not communicate like us. In this way, they are reminiscent of any place in nature.” -Aase Berg on her “ur-landscapes” (from Tsunami from Solaris, translated by Johannes Göransson) [...]
Action Books: Meet Our New Assistant Editors!
Lovely Raju Who are your favorite poets? I was greatly inspired by William Wordsworth. "The Solitary Reaper" and "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" led me to write the poetry of [...]
Eva Kristina Olsson’s The Angelgreen Sacrament (2021) Trans. by Johannes Göransson | Extended Book Trailer by Paul Cunningham
Check out the extended book trailer Paul Cunningham made for Johannes Göransson's translation of Eva Kristina Olsson's The Angelgreen Sacrament (forthcoming from Black Square Editions this October) Head to the Action [...]
September 2021 | Action Books’ Micro-Reviews of Poetry in Translation
Curated by Katherine M. Hedeen Reviewing poetry in translation recognizes translators as authors destabilizes narrow definitions of originality, authenticity, and authorship makes visible the artistry of translation is dissent, defiance, disobedience, subversion, solidarity [...]
poetry in action #23: Sara Tuss Efrik translated by Paul Cunningham
poetry in action features work by poets from around the world, translated into English. It has three rallying cries: Poets of the world, unite and take over! Resist the oppressive constraints of good, publishable poetry established [...]
Poesīa en acción | Translator Micro-Interview Series: Robin Myers
1. How did you start translating Daniel Lipara’s poetry? What drew you to it? I met Daniel Lipara on a trip to Argentina in 2017, and I first read Otra vida, his debut, the [...]