(Scroll down for Contributor Index)
Accelerants: A Poem-Film Series (Curated by Paul Cunningham)
Blog Posts:
“Accelerants | 11:11-Fourth of July by jj rowan and Addie Tsai” (8/3/2023)
“Accelerants | Two Poem-Films by Henry Goldkamp” (7/28/2023)
“Accelerants | OF HEAVEN, TO THE LOGIC by alex cruse” (7/26/2023)
“Accelerants | From The Cryptodrone Sequence by Madison McCartha” (7/19/2023)
“Accelerants | Gemini by Ginger Ko” (7/5/2023)
“Accelerants | Dayawati, Full of Mercury by Serena Chopra” (6/28/2023)
“Accelerants | Mad Flora and Fauna by Stephanie Heit and Charli Brissey” (6/26/2023)
“Accelerants | Three Poem-Films by Vidhu Aggarwal” (6/21/2023)
Action Fokus
Selected by our editorial staff, Action Fokus highlights excerpts from 12+ radical manuscripts submitted by poets and translators during our 2022 Open Reading Period.
Blog Posts:
“From Aphasias by Lucía Boscà, trans. by Karen Elizabeth Bishop” (5/12/2023)
“From 36 Poems by Jared Joseph” (3/31/2023)
“From Closed Window by Rodrigo Flores Sánchez, trans. by Robin Myers” (3/21/2023)
“From Order is Not One of Our Exports by Tahar Ben Jelloun, trans. by Conor Bracken” (3/2/2023)
“From the bone room by Tim McCoy” (2/21/2023)
“From Translating Acts (Nighthts) by Quyên Nguyēn-Hoáng” (2/11/2023)
“From Memoir of My Assassin’s Body by Tim VanDyke” (12/21/2022)
“From Furniture Music by Jimin Seo” (12/13/2022)
“From Enemigo by José Caralos Agüero, trans. by Alonso Llerena” (12/5/2022)
“From A harpsichord of feathers by Réka Nyitrai” (11/22/2022)
“From Earthling Data by Leanne Ruell” (11/10/2022)
“From Bedieval by Ellen Boyette” (10/31/2022)
“From Terror Counter by Fargo Nissim Tbakhi” (10/11/2022)
“From Iamb(s) and Butterfly(lies) or Amour & Psyche: A Butterfly Study by Hans Arnfrid Astel, trans. by Eric Wayne Dickey” (9/30/2022)
“From Redondel (Little Round Thing) by Romina Freschi, trans. by Jeannine Marie Pitas” (9/20/2022)
“From So-Lair Storm | Poems by Andrés Ajens, trans. by Erín Moure” (9/14/2022)
Micro-Reviews of Poetry in Translation (Curated by Katherine M. Hedeen)
Micro-Reviews of Poetry in Translation (curated by Katherine M. Hedeen) coming at you every few months right here! Reviewing poetry in translation recognizes translators as authors; destabilizes narrow definitions of originality, authenticity, and authorship; makes visible the artistry of translation; is dissent, defiance, disobedience, subversion, solidarity.
Blog Posts:
“May 2023 | Micro-Reviews of Poetry in Translation” (5/1/2023)
“September 2022 | Micro-Reviews of Poetry in Translation (Part II)” (9/28/2022)
“September 2022 | Micro-Reviews of Poetry in Translation (Part I)” (9/23/2022)
“March 2022 | Micro-Reviews of Poetry in Translation” (3/8/2022)
“September 2021 | Micro-Reviews of Poetry in Translation” (9/27/2021)
Action Books’ Strange Fiction Series (Curated by James Pate)
Action Books’ Strange Fiction Series (curated by James Pate) “Art doesn’t so much mimic reality as morph, stretch, and bewitch it. The so-called rabbit holes, the night thoughts, the stray bits we dismiss, the teeming multiplicity of various “realities” – in the coming months, the Action Books Strange Fiction Series will showcase texts that delve into such zones. The world is always waiting to be more haunted.”
Blog Posts:
“July 2023 | ‘Other People’s Errors’ by Charlene Elsby” (7/10/2023)
“June 2023 | Letter to My Relatives by Gary J. Shipley” (6/13/2023)
“February 2023 | ‘Skullflower Cairn’ by David Peak” (2/14/2023)
“January 2023 | ‘Don’t Photosynthesize, My Love’ by Vi Khi Nao” (1/11/2023)
“December 2022 | ‘Beloved of Flies’ by Joe Koch’” (12/14/2022)
“November 2022 | ‘To Those Who Follow’ by Daniel Beauregard’” (11/11/2022)
“October 2022 | ‘Resignation’ by German Sierra” (10/12/2022)
“September 2022 | ‘Indigo Clover’ by Rebecca Gransden” (9/9/2022)
Jessica Alexander
Jessica Alexander’s novella, None of This Is an Invitation (co-written with Katie Jean Shinkle) is forthcoming from Astrophil Press. Her story collection, Dear Enemy, was the winning manuscript in the 2016 Subito Prose Contest, as judged by Selah Saterstrom. Her fiction has been published in journals such as Fence, Black Warrior Review, PANK, Denver Quarterly, The Collagist, and DIAGRAM. She lives in Louisiana where she teaches creative writing at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Blog Posts:
“I ATE A GHOST by Vi Khi Nao + Jessica Alexander” (1/5/2022)
Will Alexander
Will Alexander is a poet, novelist, essayist, playwright, philosopher, visual artist and pianist, who is approaching 40 titles in the aforementioned genres. He is the poet-in-residence at Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center in Venice, California. He lives in Los Angeles.
Blog Posts:
“According to Unnerving Code | The Contortionist Whispers Postscript” (06/28/22)
“From The Contortionist Whispers” (11/09/2020)
Zack Anderson
Zack Anderson is a poet and translator from Wyoming, a graduate of the University of Notre Dame MFA program, and a PhD student at the University of Georgia. His book reviews and critical writings can be found in Harvard Review, Kenyon Review, and the Action Books blog, and his poems have recently appeared in Fairy Tale Review, New Delta Review, and Dreginald. @ZackAanderson
Blog Posts:
“‘rolling from echo to echo’: On Sky-Quake: Tremor of Heaven by Vicente Huidobro” (3/8/2021)
“A Thousand Flowers/Flowers of Evil” (11/24/2020)
“Burning Like Roses: On Marosa di Giorgio’s Carnation and Tenebrae Candle” (11/04/2020)
“‘Worldly hum that no one can explain’: Noise and Ecolyric” (8/18/2020)
“Possession, Utterance, Trance-lation: On Translating Édith Azam” (7/16/2020)
“‘Hiccups and Irregularities’: Fidelity, Noise, Translation” (6/30/2020)
“Sacrificial Excess: A Review of Katy Mongeau’s Apostasy” (5/26/2020)
“Poetics of Crackle” (5/18/2020)
“Translation is An Auto-Destructive Art” (4/27/2020)
Jeffrey Angles
Jeffrey Angles (1971-) is a poet, translator, and professor of Japanese literature at Western Michigan University. His collection of poetry Watashi no hizukehenkōsen (My International Date Line, 2016), which he wrote in Japanese, won the highly coveted Yomiuri Prize for Literature, comparable to the Pulitzer Prize in the US. He is the first non-native speaker ever to win for a book of poetry. In addition, he has published dozens of translations of Japan’s most important modern authors and poets earning numerous prizes for his translation work. He believes strongly in the role of translators as activists, and much of his career has focused on the translation into English of socially engaged, feminist, or queer writers. He has published Killing Kanoko: Selected Poems of Hiromi Itō and Wild Grass on the Riverbank, also by Hiromi Itō, with Action Books.
Blog Posts:
“Two Important Books in Translation” (1/27/2021)
“Four Poems by Mutsuo Takahashi” (Translated by Jeffrey Angles) (9/18/2020)
“Women in Translation Month: Five Recommendations” (8/26/2020)
Jordan Barger
Jordan Barger is a translator living in Philadelphia. His work has taken him to Ivar Aasen Tunet in Ørsta, as well as the British Center for Literary Translation’s Summer School for both Norwegian and Danish.
Blog Posts:
“Three Poems by Yahya Hassan” (6/25/2021)
Aase Berg
Aase Berg is the author of ten books, including most recently Hackers and the controversial autofiction The Hag. Several of her books have been published in English translation: Remainland: Selected Poems of Aase Berg, With Deer, Dark Matter, Transfer Fat, and Hackers. She has won numerous awards for both her poetry and criticism.
Blog Posts:
“From ‘The Wounded Path Toward an Interesting Life’” (Trans. by Johannes Göransson) (8/3/2020)
“‘Torturously Beautiful’: A Review of Eva Kristina Olsson’s The Angelgreen Sacrament” (Trans. by Johannes Göransson) (7/31/2020)
Paul Bisagni
Paul Bisagni (he/him/his) is a lapsed classicist and current MFA candidate in poetry at the University of Idaho. His poems can be found in TIMBER, Afternoon Visitor, Dream Pop Journal, Guesthouse, SELFFUCK, and elsewhere. Alternative versions of him float around Instagram and Twitter @sapphojane
Blog Posts:
“Three Poems” (7/7/2021)
Ryan Bollenbach
Ryan Bollenbach holds an MFA from the University of Alabama where he was formerly the poetry editor for the Black Warrior Review. He currently reads for Heavy Feather Review and SweetLit: A Literary Confection. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Sink Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, Can We Have Our Ball Back?, Snail Trail Press and elsewhere. Find him on twitter at @SilentAsIAm
Blog Posts:
“Thinking Inside The Plural Space” (6/29/2020)
Daniel Borzutzky
Daniel Borzutzky is the author of Lake Michigan, finalist for the 2019 Griffin International Poetry Prize; The Performance of Becoming Human, which received the 2016 National Book Award. His other books include In the Murmurs of the Rotten Carcass Economy (2015); Memories of my Overdevelopment (2015); and The Book of Interfering Bodies (2011). His translation of Galo Ghigliotto’s Valdivia received the 2017 ALTA National Translation Award. He has translated Raul Zurita’s The Country of Planks and Song for his Disappeared Love; and Jaime Luis Huenún’s Port Trakl. He teaches in the English and Latin American and Latino Studies Departments at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Blog Posts:
“Raúl Zurita, from Cato de los hijos solos (Song of the Solitary Children) | Translated by Daniel Borzutzky” (9/2/2020)

Alex Braslavsky
Alex Braslavsky is a scholar and translator of Polish, Czech and Russian poetry, as well as a poet. She is a first-year Ph.D. student in the Harvard Slavic Department and writes scholarship through a comparative poetics lens. As a 2021 American Literary Translators Association Mentee, she is translating the poetry of Zuzanna Ginczanka. She is working on her first poetry collection, Answering Machine.
Blog Posts:
“Five Poems: Zuzanna Ginczanka” (8/5/2021)
Jace Brittain
Jace Brittain is a writer, translator, and poet whose work has appeared in Sleepingfish, Destroyer, the Fanzine, and Crag. They received their MFA at the University of Notre Dame. As a PhD student at the University of Utah, they study fiction, illegibility, and writing circling the non-human. They have been the Digital Matters Research Fellow and are currently an editor for the Halophyte Collective in Salt Lake City.
Blog Posts:
“From Sorcererer, a novel” (3/21/2022)
“Formal Contortion and Two-Way Distortion Between Poem and Performance” (5/4/2020)
Marty Cain
Marty Cain is a poet from Vermont. His books include Kids of the Black Hole (2017) and The Wound Is (Not) Real: A Memoir (forthcoming 2020), both from Trembling Pillow Press, as well as a chapbook, Four Essays (Tammy, 2019). Individual works appear or are forthcoming in Best American Experimental Writing, Fence, Poetry Daily, Tarpaulin Sky, and elsewhere. He holds an MFA from the University of Mississippi, and is currently a Ph.D candidate at Cornell, where he’s writing a dissertation on rural poetry communities. @marty_cain
Blog Posts:
“From The Wound is (Not) Real” (12/2/2021)
“‘That is Some Unassimilable Shit’: Rural Poetics and Opacity” (7/22/2020)
Hedgie Choi
Hedgie Choi is a fellow at the Michener Center for Writers. She co-translated Hysteria by Kim Yideum, which was shortlisted for both the 2020 Lucien Stryk Asian Translation Prize and the 2020 National Translation Award in poetry. Her translation of Pillar of Books by Moon Bo Young is forthcoming with Black Ocean in 2021, and individual poems from the book can be found on Asymptote, The Adroit Journal, Cordite Poetry Review, Black Warrior Review, Columbia Journal, and Copper Nickel. Her poems have appeared in or are forthcoming in The Iowa Review Online, Washington Square Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, West Branch, and The Journal.
Blog Posts:
“22 Dank Memes for the Translating Soul” (10/12/2020)
Gabrielle Civil
Gabrielle Civil is a black feminist performance artist, poet, and writer, originally from Detroit MI. Her translations have appeared in Dislocate, Two Lines, The Caribbean Writer and Kitchen Table Translation. She has premiered fifty performance art works around the world and her performance memoirs include Swallow the Fish (2017), Experiments in Joy (2019), (ghost gestures) performance writing (2021) and the déjà vu (2021). A 2019 Rema Hort Mann Emerging LA Artist, she teaches at the California Institute of the Arts. The aim of her work is to open up space.
Blog Posts:
“errances: an essay of errors | after Jacqueline Beaugé-Rosier” (9/7/2020)
Mike Corrao
Mike Corrao is the author of three novels, Man, Oh Man (Orson’s Publishing); Gut Text (11:11 Press) and Rituals Performed in the Absence of Ganymede (11:11 Press); one book of poetry, Two Novels (Orson’s Publishing); two plays, Smut-Maker (Inside the Castle) and Andromedusa (Forthcoming – Plays Inverse); and three chapbooks, Avian Funeral March (Self-Fuck); Material Catalogue (Alienist) and Spelunker (Schism – Neuronics). Along with earning multiple Best of the Net nominations, Mike’s work has been featured in publications such as 3:AM, Collagist, Always Crashing, and Denver Quarterly. His work often explores the haptic, architectural, and organismal qualities of the text-object. He lives in Minneapolis. @ShmikeShmorrao
Blog Posts:
“Expulsion / Projection: On Zan de Parry’s Hennie” (11/09/2022)
“Thru the Disintegration Loop: On Christopher Norris’ Hunchback ’88” (12/15/2021)
“Towards and Irreducible Node: On Eva Kristina Olsson’s The Angelgreen Sacrament” (11/22/2021)
“Notes on Ava Hofmann’s […]” (9/3/2021)
“Ludonarrative Spectres: On Rachel Lilim’s GLITTR RUIN I” (7/5/2021)
“Navigating the Translations of Johannes Göransson | Part II: Sara Tuss Efrik” (4/13/2021)
“Navigating the Translations of Johannes Göransson | Part I: Johan Jönson and Aase Berg” (4/5/2021)
“Ritualize! Amputate! Levitate! Uproot! Regenerate! (Five Poems)” (2/10/2021)
“Becoming-Massive: On John Trefry’s Unfinished Massive | Part 3” (12/17/2020)
“Informatic Accumulation: On John Trefry’s Unfinished Massive | Part 2” (11/23/2020)
“Pre-Articulation: On John Trefry’s Unfinished Massive | Part 1” (10/5/2020)
“Notes on Don Mee Choi’s Translation is a Mode=Translation is an Anti-neocolonial Mode” (7/27/2020)
“Virulent Ekphrasis: MJ Gette’s Majority Reef” (7/8/2020)
“Corpus: Notes on Olivia Cronk’s Womonster” (6/26/2020)
Olivia Cronk
Olivia Cronk is the author of Womonster (Tarpaulin Sky, July 2020), Louise and Louise and Louise (The Lettered Streets Press, 2016), and Skin Horse (Action Books, 2012). With Philip Sorenson, she edits The Journal Petra. @InterroPorn
Blog Posts:
“Notes Toward a Z-Axial Literature | Part 3: Toward a Time-Genre” (7/7/2020)
“Notes Toward a Z-Axial Literature | Part 2: Scale, Conjecture, Gossip, Wah-Wah-Wah-ing” (6/23/2020)
“Notes Toward a Z-Axial Literature | Part 1: Time Travel” (5/25/2020)
Paul Cunningham
Paul Cunningham is the Content Manager for the Action Books Blog. He is the author of Fall Garment (Schism2 Press, 2022) and The House of the Tree of Sores (Schism Press, 2020). His translations include Helena Österlund’s Words (OOMPH! Press, 2019); and two chapbooks by Sara Tuss Efrik: Automanias Selected Poems (Goodmorning Menagerie, 2016) and The Night’s Belly (Toad Press, 2016). His creative and critical work has most recently appeared in Denver Quarterly, Bat City Review, DIAGRAM, Quarterly West, OmniVerse, Poem-a-Day, and others. He is a Managing Editor of Action Books, co-editor of Radioactive Cloud, and co-curator of the Yumfactory Reading Series. He holds an MFA from the University of Notre Dame and a PhD from the University of Georgia. @p_cunning
Blog Posts:
“A Review of Liliana Ponce’s Fudekara, translated by Michael Martin Shea” (9/12/2023)
“‘in the carbide sadness’: A Review of Antonio Gamoneda’s Book of the Cold” (8/9/2022)
“Notes on Jae Kim’s Translation of Lee Young-Ju’s Cold Candies” (12/10/2021)
“girlgirl: An Interview with Kim Koga” (11/09/2021)
“Monstered Interiors and Disappearing Floor: The Ur-Landscapes of Durbin and Isoline” (10/04/2021)
“Bora Chung’s Cursed Bunny: A Review” (8/26/2021)
“Borzuztky, Duffy, Ross, Wallschlaeger: Four Reviews” (6/22/2021)
“‘I don’t have time for sleep’: A Review of Mohammed Khaïr-Eddine’s Agadir” (6/18/2021)
“Molly Weigel: An Interview” (5/7/2021)
“Valerie Hsiung: An Interview” (4/30/2021)
“Daniel Tiffany: An Interview” (4/28/2021)
“Don Mee Choi: An Interview” (4/26/2021)
“Todd Fredson: An Interview” (4/21/2021)
“Candice Wuehle: An Interview” (4/14/2021)
“Andrew Shuta: An Interview” (4/12/2021)
“Aase Berg: An Interview” (4/7/2021)
“Abraham Smith: An Interview” (4/1/2021)
“‘yet heare the bells not ring’: Notes on Daniel Tiffany’s Cry Baby Mystic” (3/10/2021)
“Is Neo-Decadence the New Real? On Neo-Decadence: 12 Manifestos” (2/23/2021)
“New Chapbooks in Review (Göransson, Efrik, Anderson, Madsen)” (2/2/2021)
“‘To approach a poem with the desire to unknow’: An Interview with Olivia Lott” (1/8/2021)
“Dennis Cooper in Translation: An Interview” (12/23/2020)
“‘I’ve been thinking of a song in the back of the art’: Ronaldo Wilson’s Carmelina: Sessions” (12/14/2020)
“Notes on Fred Moten’s Blue(s) and Barry Jenkins’ Moonlight” (12/9/2020)
“Blue Light of the Screen: An Interview with Claire Cronin” (12/2/2020)
“The Dissentious Masque: The Sound of the Void” (11/11/2020)
“Sick Sonnets: An Interview with Mai Ivfjäll” (1o/7/2020)
“From Kari 1983 by Helena Österlund” (9/25/2020)
“Rinsing Your Mouth Clean of Language: A Review of Helena Österlund’s Words and Colors by Athena Farrokhzad” (8/28/2020)
“Obscene Flowers & Meaningful Monstrosities: The Excess of New Decadence” (8/11/2020)
“We are Decadent Again” (5/22/2020)
“Sonic Intimacy, or, Choose Your Poison” (5/6/2020)
“Too Many Translators?: Considering Collaborative Translations” (4/21/2020)
Rachael Daum
Blog Posts:
“From Natalia Rubanova’s Letters to Robot Werther” (Translated by Rachael Daum) (11/5/2021)
Tomoyuki Endo
Tomoyuki Endo is an assistant professor at Wako University in Tokyo, teaching modernists and post-modernists such as Ezra Pound, W. C. Williams, T. S. Eliot, Gary Snyder, Allen Ginsberg, Junzaburo Nishiwaki, Katsue Kitasono, and Kazuko Shiraishi, along with literary pop artists including Bob Marley, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen and others. He has collaborated with Forrest Gander on the translation of three poems from Shiraishi’s My Floating Mother, City (New Directions). He was also the supervisor of English subtitles for Gozo Yoshimasu’s movies Thousands of Islands and The Reality behind What We See which won more than ten awards from international movie festivals.
Blog Posts:
“‘The Dry Season’ by Shuri Kido” (Translated by Tomoyuki Endo and Forrest Gander) (9/14/2020)
Kristofer Folkhammar
Kristofer Folkhammar is a Swedish poet, novelist, and literary critic, based in Malmö. Apart from several publications in Swedish literary journals, he has published two collections of poetry: When He Kissed Me, I Lost Everything (När han kysste mig förlorade jag allt), 2012, a collection of prose poems that consider gay desire, loneliness, and forms of intimacy. And In Time, Tonight (I takt, inatt), 2020, a minimalistic and rhythmically composed collection that deals with fellowship and submission, sickness and lust. He is also the author of the novels Isak & Billy (2011), Magisterlekarna
Blog Posts:
“From When He Kissed Me, I Lost Everything by Kristofer Folkhammar, translated by Christian Gullette” (3/10/2022)
M. Forajter
M. Forajter is the editor of Tarpaulin Sky Press & Magazine. Her work has been published in several magazines, including The Journal Petra, Court Green, Burning House, Deluge, and Witch Craft Magazine. Her chapbook, after summer, is forthcoming from Radioactive Cloud. She really likes Nirvana, werewolves, and medieval art. You can find her on twitter @saint_remus.
Blog Posts:
“From Myself the Photograph | Poems by M. Forajter” (1/18/2022)
Todd Fredson
Todd Fredson is the author of two poetry collections, Century Worm (New Issues Press, 2018) and The Crucifix-Blocks (Tebot Bach, 2012), which won the Patricia Bibby First Book Award. He has published translations of three books of poetry by Afro-francophone authors: The future has an appointment with the dawn (University of Nebraska Press, 2018) by Tanella Boni, which was a finalist for the 2019 Best Translated Book Award and for the 2019 National Translation Award; Think of Lampedusa (UNP, 2017) by Josué Guébo; and My country, tonight (Action Books, 2016) by Josué Guébo. Fredson has been awarded Fulbright and NEA fellowships. Find him at
Blog Posts:
“From Poeticizing the world to come by Tanella Boni and translated by Todd Fredson” (8/30/2021)
“From Variation on primal time by Véronique Tadjo and translated by Todd Fredson” (8/27/2021)
“The Mistake of Familiarity, and Translating Toward West Africa” (9/28/2020)
Forrest Gander
Forrest Gander, born in the Mojave Desert, lives in California. A translator and cross-genre writer with degrees in geology and literature, he’s the recipient of numerous awards, among them the Pulitzer Prize, the Best Translated Book Award, and fellowships from the Library of Congress, the Guggenheim, and United States Artists Foundations.
Blog Posts:
“‘The Dry Season’ by Shuri Kido” (Translated by Tomoyuki Endo and Forrest Gander) (9/14/2020)
Jessi Gaston
Jessi Gaston is a writer and filmmaker based in Chicago. “Hollywood Calls,” like most of their recent poetic work, is from a longer work on the Marx Brothers. A set of pieces from this work were published in We Want It All, an anthology from Nightboat Books. Their first film as a director, Black Pill, has been appearing in film festivals sporadically for the last year. You can find them on twitter @jejesjesijessi
Blog Posts:
“‘Hollywood Calls’ and McKinley Park” (1/29/2021)
Michelle Gil-Montero
Michelle Gil-Montero is a poet and translator of contemporary Latin American poetry, hybrid-genre work, and criticism. She has translated several books, most recently Edinburgh Notebook by Valerie Mejer Caso (coming in 2021 from Action Books). Her book of poems Object Permanence (Ornithopter Press) was published in 2020. She is Professor of English at Saint Vincent College, where she directs the Minor in Literary Translation and publishes Eulalia Books (
Blog Posts:
“Six Poems by Juan Carlos Bustriazo Ortiz in trance-lation, plus a brief en-trance into nowhere (in particular) & a little here say” (Trans. by Michelle Gil-Montero) (9/7/2020)
Johannes Göransson
Born in Lund, Sweden, Johannes Göransson now lives in South Bend, Indiana, where he teaches at the University of Notre Dame. He’s the author of eight books, including POETRY AGAINST ALL, The Sugar Book and Transgressive Circulations: Essays on Translation, and the translator of several poets, including Aase Berg, Ann Jäderlund, Helena Boberg and Kim Yideum.
Blog Posts:
“Eva Kristina Olsson’s The Angelgreen Sacrament (Extended Book Trailer)” (9/29/2021)
“Ghayath Almadhoun: An Interview” (5/11/2021)
“Melisa Machado: An Interview | Trans. by Katherine M. Hedeen” (4/23/2021)
“Strange Ecologies and Queer Erotics: Lee Hyemi’s Unexpected Vanilla” (1/04/2021)
“The Style of the Foreigner” (8/31/2o2o)
“An Interview with Eva Kristina Olsson” (8/20/2020)
“Speech from a Sleepless Inner Child: A Review of Helena Boberg’s Sense Violence by Amelie Björck” (8/17/2020)
“The Sickness of Translation” (7/2/2020)
“Ecstatic Technology: Nonsense, Puns, and Angelic Encounters” (5/28/2020)
“The Beautiful Betrayal: Translingual Poetry as Counterfeit Voice” (5/21/2020)
“Occult Transmissions: Translations, Automanias, and the Fragilities of Language” (5/14/2020)
“Poetry in Translation: Cuts and Fragility in Two Books from Ugly Duckling Presse” (5/7/2020)
“Occult Ekphrasis” (4/30/2020)
“Poetry That Risks Tearing Itself Apart: Scream, Translation, Prophecy” (4/24/2020)
“A Summer Statement on Interlingualism” (4/17/2020)
Erik Greb
Erik Greb is a poet and translator whose poems have appeared in the French journal Vocatif. He studied philosophy and works as a journalist covering clinical research in neurologic disorders. He is an avid guitarist.
Blog Posts:
“Three Poems by Léon Damas” (Trans. by Molly Weigel and Erik Greb) (9/11/2020)
Katherine M. Hedeen
Katherine M. Hedeen is a translator, literary critic, and essayist. A specialist in Latin American poetry, she has translated some of the most respected voices from the region. Her publications include book-length collections by Jorgenrique Adoum, Juan Bañuelos, Juan Calzadilla, Juan Gelman, Fayad Jamís, Hugo Mujica, José Emilio Pacheco, Víctor Rodríguez Núñez, and Ida Vitale, among many others. She is a recipient of two NEA Translation grants in the US and a PEN Translates award in the UK. She is a Managing Editor for Action Books and the Poetry in Translation Editor at the Kenyon Review. She resides in Ohio, where she is a Professor of Spanish at Kenyon College. More information at:
Blog Posts:
“poetry in action #34 | Paloma Chen, translated by Julia Conner” (6/7/2023)
“poetry in action #33 | Sandra Santana, translated by Geoffrey Brock” (4/13/2023)
“poetry in action #32 | Friederike Mayröcker, translated by Donna Stonecipher (Part Two)” (8/24/2022)
“poetry in action #31 | Friederike Mayröcker, translated by Donna Stonecipher (Part One)” (7/20/2022)
“poetry in action #30 | Three poems from Bloom and Other Poems by Xi Chuan, translated by Lucas Klein” (5/23/2022)
“poetry in action #29 | Five poems from Pee Poems by Lao Yang, translated by Joshua Edwards and Lynn Xu” (4/20/2022)
“poetry in action #28 | Jordi Valls Pozo translated by Raoul Izzard” (3/22/2022)
“poetry in action #27 | Tahar Ben Jelloun translated by Conor Bracken” (2/22/2022)
“poetry in action #26 | Yoo Heekyung translated by Stine An” (1/21/2022)
“poetry in action #25 | From and when the light comes it will be fantastic by Kristin Berget, translated by Kathleen Maris Paltrineri” (11/26/2021)
“poetry in action #24 | four poems by Alberto Pellegatta translated by Lorenzo Mandelli” (10/20/2021)
“poetry in action #23 | Sara Tuss Efrik translated by Paul Cunningham” (9/20/2021)
“poetry in action #22 | Five Poems from To Taste the River by Baiba Bičole and translated by Bitite Vinklers” (8/20/2021)
“‘seven prepositions of place’ by Víctor Rodríguez Núñez” (Translated by Katherine M. Hedeen) (7/30/2021)
“poetry in action #21 | Gunnar Wærness translated by Gabriel Gudding” (6/21/2021)
“poetry in action #20 | Conceiçao Lima translated by David Shook” (5/19/2021)
“poetry in action #19 | Three Poems by Nurit Zarchi Translated from the Hebrew by Tal Goldfajn” (4/20/2021)
“poetry in action #18 | Mohammed Bennis translated by Aaron Boxerman and Phoebe Bay Carter” (3/22/2021)
“poetry in action #17 | Aleš Šteger translated from the Slovenian by Brian Henry” (2/19/2021)
“poetry in action #16 | From Outgoing Vessel | Ursula Andkjær translated by Katrine Øgaard Jensen” (1/19/2021)
“poetry in action #15 | Kári Tulinius translated by Larissa Kyzer” (12/21/2020)
“poetry in action #14 | Dai Weina translated by Jennifer Feeley and Karin Betz | Edited by Dong Li” (12/10/2020)
“Burning Books by Adalber Salas Hernández” (Trans. by Katherine M. Hedeen) (11/21/2020)
“poetry in action #13 | Kinga Tóth translated by Owen Good” (11/20/2020)
“poetry in action #12 | Hemant Divate translated by Mustansir Dalvi” (11/10/2020)
“poetry in action #11 | Najwan Darwish translated by Kareem James Abu-Zeid” (10/20/2020)
“poetry in action #10 | Moon Bo Young translated by Hedgie Choi” (10/9/2020)
“poetry in action #9 | Marko Tomaš translated by Rachael Daum” (9/21/2020)
“A Translator’s Voices: Karaoke in Reverse by Ezequiel Zaidenwerg” (Trans. by Katherine M. Hedeen) (9/16/2020)
“poetry in action #8 | Paul Celan translated by Pierre Joris” (9/10/2020)
“Nuestra América: Strategic Positionality and the Politics of Translation” (9/1/2020)
“poetry in action #7 | From Wulf and Eadwacer translated by M.L. Martin” (8/21/2020)
“poetry in action #6 | Rasha Omran translated by Phoebe Bay Carter” (8/10/2020)
“poetry in action #5 | Andra Schwartz translated by Caroline Wilcox Reul” (7/20/2020)
“poetry in action #4 | Alba Cid translated by Jacob Rogers” (7/10/2020)
“poetry in action #3 | Tom Van de Voorde translated by Emma Rault” (5/20/2020)
“poetry in action #2 | Lee Young-ju translated by Jae Kim” (5/11/2020)
“Dismantling the Myth of Originality: Translation, Collaboration, Solidarity” (4/28/2020)
“poetry in action #1 | Samira Negrouche translated by Zoë Skoulding” (4/20/2020)
Ava Hofmann
Ava Hofmann is a trans writer currently living and working in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She has poems published in or forthcoming from Poetry Daily, Black Warrior Review, Fence, Anomaly, Best American Experimental Writing 2020, The Fanzine, Datableed, Peachmag, Always Crashing, and Foglifter. Her full length collection […], is forthcoming November 1st, 2021 with Astrophil press, with more books on the way. She also runs SPORAZINE, a magazine of experimental writing written by trans people. Her website is and her twitter is @st_somatic
Blog Posts:
“SMUT-MAKER Review, or, Reading the ‘Personal’ Back into ‘Impersonal’ Artformations” (7/29/2021)
“Five excerpts from HXRXSY” (2/17/2021)
“Trap Poetics | Part 5” (8/27/2020)
“Trap Poetics | Part 4” (8/19/2020)
“Trap Poetics | Part 3” (8/12/2020)
“Trap Poetics | Part 2” (8/5/2020)
“Trap Poetics | Part 1” (7/28/2020)
Cathy Park Hong
Cathy Park Hong‘s latest poetry collection, Engine Empire, was published in 2012 by W.W. Norton. Her other collections include Dance Dance Revolution, chosen by Adrienne Rich for the Barnard Women Poets Prize, and Translating Mo’um. Hong is the recipient of the Windham-Campbell Prize, the Guggenheim Fellowship, and a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship. Her poems have been published in Poetry, A Public Space, Paris Review, McSweeney’s, Baffler, Boston Review, The Nation, and other journals. She is the poetry editor of the New Republic and is a professor at Rutgers-Newark University. Her book of creative nonfiction, Minor Feelings, was published by One World/Random House in Spring 2020.
Blog Posts:
“From Choi Seungja’s Phone Bells Keep Ringing for Me | Translated by Won-Chung Kim and Cathy Park Hong” (9/24/2020)
Shannon Hozinec
Shannon Hozinec lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Blog Posts:
“‘Victim of the artificial night’s automated rocking’: Five Poems” (5/6/2021)
Valerie Hsiung
Valerie Hsiung is a poet, writer, performer, and the author of four full-length poetry and hybrid writing collections–YOU & ME FOREVER (Action Books, 2020), outside voices, please (CSU, 2021), hummingbird et partygirl (Essay Press, 2022), and e f g (Action, 2016). Her work can be found in places such as The Nation, The Believer, New Delta Review, Black Sun Lit, Ghost Proposal, Chicago Review, and beyond. She has performed her little poetry theater at Treefort Music Festival, DC Arts Center, Common Area Maintenance, The Poetry Project, Casa Libre en la Solana, Poetic Research Bureau, Shapeshifter Lab, and The Silent Barn. Born in the Year of the Earth Snake and raised by Chinese-Taiwanese immigrants in Cincinnati, Ohio, she now lives in Brooklyn, New York. Visit her at
Blog Posts:
“Notes on Notating Towards an Afterword in the Impossible Pre, Post, Aftermath” (8/25/2020)
Evan Isoline
Evan Isoline is a writer and artist living on the Oregon coast. He is the author of PHILOSOPHY OF THE SKY (forthcoming from 11:11 Press) and the founder/editor of a literary project called SELFFUCK. Recent work has been published or is forthcoming at 3:AM Magazine, Full-Stop, Always Crashing,, Witchcraft Mag, and more. Find him @evan_isoline.
Blog Posts:
“Autoflowering” (3/3/2021)
Mai Ivfjäll
Mai Ivfjäll is the author of four recent chapbooks: Into Longing Vast Rose (If A Leaf Falls Press, UK), Andakt (AFV Press, NO), Weep Hole (Sad Press, UK), and Sick Sonnets (Radioactive Cloud, USA). She can be found at
Blog Posts:
“‘summer is 4 loners II’ by Clara Olausson | Translated by Mai Ivfjäll” (10/6/2021)
Adriana X. Jacobs
“Letters to Robot Werther: An Interview with Rachael Daum” (11/17/2021)
Katrine Øgaard Jensen
Katrine Øgaard Jensen is a poet and translator from the Danish. She is the recipient of several fellowships and awards, including the 2018 National Translation Award in Poetry for her translation of Ursula Andkjær Olsen’s book-length poem Third-Millennium Heart (Broken Dimanche Press/Action Books 2017). Her translation of Ursula Andkjær Olsen’s Outgoing Vessel, a sequel to Third-Millennium Heart, is forthcoming from Action Books in February 2021. She teaches in the School of the Arts MFA Writing Program at Columbia University, where she currently serves as Acting Director of LTAC (Literary Translation at Columbia).
Blog Posts:
“From My Jewel Box: Eight Poems by Ursula Andkjær Olsen” (Translated by Katrine Øgaard Jensen) (8/13/2021)
“From FLOWMATIC by Shadi Angelina Bazeghi” (Translated by Katrine Øgaard Jensen) (9/30/2020)”
Jacqueline Kari
Blog Posts:
“Four Poems” (6/28/2021)
Won-Chung Kim
Won-Chung Kim is a professor of English Literature at Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul, South Korea. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Iowa, and has published articles on American ecopoets including Gary Snyder, Wendell Berry, Robinson Jeffers, A.R. Ammons, and W.S. Merwin, in journals such as ISLE (Interdiscilinary Studies of Literature and Environment), CLCWeb, and Comparative American Studies. Kim has also translated twelve books of Korean poetry into English, including Cracking the Shell: Three Korean Ecopoets and Heart’s Agony: Selected Poems of Chiha Kim. Kim has co-edited with Simon Estok East Asian Ecocriticisms: A Critical Reader (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013). He has also translated John Muir’s My First Summer in the Sierra and Thoreau’s Natural History Essays into Korean. His first book of poetry, I Thought It Was a Door, was published in 2014.
Blog Posts:
“From Choi Seungja’s Phone Bells Keep Ringing for Me | Translated by Won-Chung Kim and Cathy Park Hong” (9/24/2020)
Haengsook, Kim
Kim Haengsook is one of the best-known Korean contemporary poets. Her books include Adolescence (2003), The Goodbye Ability (2007), and What Errands Are You Running? (2020), which won the prestigious Daesan Literary Award. An English translation of a selected collection of her poems Human Time is forthcoming at Black Ocean. She is a professor at Kangnam University.
Blog Posts:
“Kim Haengsook: Five Poems” (Translated by Jake Levine, Susan K, Léo-Thomas Brylowski, Hannah Quinn Hertzog, and Joanne Park) (8/3/2020)
Yideum, Kim
Kim Yideum is an award winning South Korean poet, novelist, and essayist. Many of her books have been translated into English, including Hysteria (Action Books, 2019). Translated by Jake Levine, Hedgie Choi, and Soeun Seo, Hysteria was the first book translated from an Asian language to win the National Translation Award and the first book to ever win both the National Translation Award and the Lucien Stryk Prize.
Blog Posts:
“Five Poems” (Translated by Jake Levine) (1/27/2022)
Aristilde Kirby
Aristilde Kirby is a being constellation of given human category: a poet, artist, thinker & more born in the Bronx, NY. She has been featured in Artforum & as a part of Illiberal Arts, an exhibition & publication at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin, Germany. She has published chapbooks with Belladonna, Black Warrior Review, & Best American Experimental Writing 2020. Her latest project, {Daisy & Catherine²} is out now via Auric Press. You can call her Aris, like Paris without the p.
Blog Posts:
“Daisy and Catherine -1” (1/11/2022)
James Knight
James Knight is an experimental poet and digital artist. His books include Void Voices (Hesterglock Press), Self Portrait by Night (Sampson Low), Chimera (Penteract Press) and Machine (Trickhouse Press). Website: Twitter:
Blog Posts:
“In Praise of the Monstrous: 9 Broken Reflections” (10/27/2020)
Ginger Ko
Ginger Ko is an Assistant Professor at Sam Houston State University’s MFA program in Creative Writing, Editing, and Publishing. She is the author of Motherlover (Bloof Books) and Inherit (Sidebrow), as well as several chapbooks. Her next project, a book as interactive app, is forthcoming from The Operating System. Her poetry and essays can be found in The Atlantic, American Poetry Review, The Offing, VIDA Review, and elsewhere. You can find her online at
Blog Posts:
“Valediction 1” (7/21/2021)
Kim Koga
Kim Koga is the author of Ligature Strain from Tinfish Press. Her work can be found in 1913 a journal of forms, Erotoplasty, and Burning House Press. Since completing an MFA from the University of Notre Dame, her day job has moved from publishing to tech yet she continues to write, make art, and maintains a breadbox in southern California. @KimKoga
Blog Posts:
“Translation Cookies” (5/13/2020)
“Ghostly Images and Fevered Loss: Thoughts on John Vanderslice’s The Cedars” (4/22/2020)
Olivia Lott
Olivia Lott curates Poesía en acción on the Action Books blog. She is the translator of Lucía Estrada’s Katabasis (2020, Eulalia Books) and the co-translator of Soleida Ríos’s The Dirty Text (2018, Kenning Editions). She is ABD in Hispanic Studies and an Olin Fellow at Washington University in St. Louis, where she is writing a dissertation on translation, revolution, and 1960s neo-avant-garde poetics in Latin America. Twitter: @oliviamlott
Blog Posts:
“Poesía en acción #33: From The New World by Yaxkin Melchy and Translator Ryan Greene” (5/15/2023)
“Poesía en acción #32: Four Poems by Santiago Vizcaíno and Translator Kimrey Anna Batts” (3/24/2023)
“Poesía en acción #31: ‘Part V’ by Elena Salamanca and Translator Ryan Greene” (1/17/2023)
“Poesía en acción #30: Four Poems by Nadia López García and Translators Whitney Celeste DeVos and Gabriela Ramirez-Chavez” (12/15/2022)
“Poesía en acción #29: ‘When I tension in, it hits here’ by Victoria Guerrero Peirano and Translators Honora Spicer and Anastatia Spicer” (11/15/2022)
“Poesía en acción #28: From Commonplace by Hugo García Manríquez and NAFTA” (10/28/2022)
“Poesía en acción #27: Two poems by Minerva Reynosa and Translator Stalina Villarreal” (9/15/2022)
“Poesía en acción #26: From Mere Diary by Mercedes Roffé and Translator Lucina Schell” (8/15/2022)
“Poesía en acción #25: From Claus and the Scorpion by Lara Dopazo Ruibal and Translator Laura Cesarco Eglin” (7/15/2022)
“Poesía en acción #24: ‘Water is Born from Sand’ by Silvia Guerra and translators Jesse Lee Kercheval and Jeannine Marie Pitas” (5/16/2022)
“Poesía en acción #23: “Two excerpts from the poetic sequence ‘Hearses Loaded With Watermelon’ by Marosa di Giorgio and Translator Sarah María Medina” (4/15/2022)
“Poesía en acción #22: ‘cool confessional garden rockabilly kit[s]chen erotic poem no. 1’ by Nicole Cecilia Delgado and Translator Sarah Pazen” (3/15/2022)
“Poesía en acción #21: “‘Love’s Body’ by Rodolfo Hinostroza and Translator Anthony Seidman” (2/15/2022)
“Poesía en acción #20: Special Feature | Four Poems by Alfredo Fressia” (2/11/2022)
“Poesía en acción #19: From the Book of the Cold by Antonio Gamoneda and translators Katherine M. Hedeen and Víctor Rodríguez Núñez” (1/14/2022)
“Poesía en acción #18: ‘Today, to have relations: and what it’s like’ by Osvaldo Lamborghini and translators KM Cascia and Garrett Phelps” (11/15/2021)
“Poesía en acción #17: Two Poems from Historia de la leche by Mónica Ojeda and Translator Kymm Coveney” (10/15/2021)
“Poesía en acción #16: From Another Life by Daniel Lipara and Translator Robin Myers” (9/15/2021)
“Poesía en acción #15: From redondel (small round thing) by Romina Freschi and Translator Jeannine Marie Pitas” (8/16/2021)
“Poesía en acción #14: Two Poems by Julia Wong Kcomt and Translator Jennifer Shyue” (6/15/2021)
“Poesía en acción #13: From Boat People by Mayra Santos-Febres and Translator Vanessa Pérez-Rosario” (5/13/2021)
“Poesía en acción #12: Excerpt from Bodies One by Max Rojas and Translators Zane Koss and Gerónimo Sarmiento Cruz” (4/15/2021)
“Poesía en acción #11: ‘Twofolding’/’Doblaje’ by Giancarlo Huapaya and Translator Ryan Greene” (3/15/2021)
“Poesía en acción #10: Valerie Mejer Caso and Translator Michelle Gil-Montero” (2/15/2021)
“Poesía en acción Special Feature | An Interview with Katherine M. Hedeen on translating Jorgenrique Adoum” (1/25/2021)
“Poesía en acción #9: Jorgenrique Adoum and Translators Katherine M. Hedeen and Víctor Rodríguez Núñez” (1/15/2021)
“Poesía en acción #8: Mónica Velásquez Guzmán and Janet McAdams” (12/15/2020)
“Poetry Mixtape #3” (11/30/2020)
“Poesía en acción #7: Alejandro Albarrán Polanco and Rachel Galvin” (11/16/2020)
“Poesía en acción #6: Molly Weigel and Susana Cerdá” (10/14/2020)
“Poetry Mixtape #2” (9/29/2020)
“Poesía en acción ##5: Rebekah Smith and Susana Thénon” (9/15/2020)
“Poesía en acción #4: Anna Deeny Morales and Gabriela Mistral” (8/14/2020)
“Poesía en acción #3: Urayoán Noel and Nicole Cecilia Delgado” (7/15/2020)
“Poetry Mixtape #1” (5/29/2020)
“Poesía en acción #2: Kristin Dykstra and Marcelo Morales” (5/15/2020)
“Poesía en acción #1: Daniel Borzutzky and Raúl Zurita” (4/15/2020)
Aditi Machado
Aditi Machado’s books include the poetry collections Emporium and Some Beheadings (both from Nightboat), and a translation of Farid Tali’s Prosopopoeia (Action Books). Her essay The End appeared as part of Ugly Duckling Presse’s 2020 pamphlet series. She teaches at the University of Cincinnati.
Blog Posts:
“Being Human Is an Occult Practice: An Interview with Magdalena Zurawski” (01/13/2021)
Madison McCartha
Madison McCartha is a black, queer multimedia artist and poet whose work appears or is forthcoming in Black Warrior Review, Denver Quarterly, The Fanzine, jubilat, Prelude, Tarpaulin Sky, and elsewhere. Their debut book-length poem, FREAKOPHONE WORLD, is forthcoming from Inside the Castle in 2021. Madison holds an MFA from the University of Notre Dame and is a PhD student at UC Santa Cruz. @MadisonMccartha
Blog Posts:
“‘Evolutive Propulsion’: Madison McCartha Interviews Will Alexander” (11/09/2021)
“Notes Toward a Virtual Poetics: On Solaris, Assemblage, and Blackness | Part 2” (7/13/2020)
“Notes Toward a Virtual Poetics: On Solaris, Assemblage, and Blackness | Part 1” (6/22/2020)
“Anaïs Duplan: An Interview” (4/16/2020)
Joyelle McSweeney
In Joyelle McSweeney‘s dynamic body of work, lyric intensity becomes a means of investigating the world in all its toxic radiance. Her published works span poetry, prose, drama, translation, and criticism. Her debut volume The Red Bird (2001) inaugurated the Fence Modern Poets Series; her verse play Dead Youth, or, the Leaks (2012) inaugurated the Leslie Scalapino Prize for Innovative Women Playwrights; and her most recent double-collection, Toxicon and Arachne (2020), called a “frightening and brilliant book” by the New Yorker, was a finalist for the Kingsley Tufts Prize. Her influential volume The Necropastoral: Poetry, Media, Occults (2014) counters conventional ecopoetics by locating aesthetic and political possibility in such signature Anthropocene phenomena as mutation, contagion, contamination, and decay. She is a co-founder of Action Books, an international press which has built readerships for major poets from Asia, Latin America, Europe, Africa, and the US, while centering translators and the art of translation itself. In 2022, McSweeney was recognized with a Guggenheim fellowship as well as the Arts and Letters Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. McSweeney is a Professor of English at the University of Notre Dame. @JoyelleMcS
Blog Posts:
“Poetry Notes | Episode 1: The Road to Kimp’o Landfill” (5/13/2022)
Seth Michelson
Seth Michelson is an award-winning poet, translator, and professor of poetry. He has published sixteen books of original poetry and poetry in translation. His most recent book of original poetry is Swimming Through Fire. As a translator, he focuses on feminist poetry from the hemispheric Americas, including Liliana Ancalao’s Women of the Big Sky. He also edited and translated the poetry anthology Dreaming America: Voices of Undocumented Youth in Maximum-Security Detention. All proceeds from its sale go to a legal defense fund for incarcerated undocumented youth.
Blog Posts:
“Two Poems by Mayra Santos-Febres” (Trans. by Seth Michelson) (9/22/2020)
Monica Mody
Monica Mody is the author of Kala Pani (1913 Press) and two cross-genre chapbooks. Her poetry has also appeared in literary journals and anthologies including Poetry International, Indian Quarterly, Boston Review, and Almost Island. Her academic writing has been published in The Land Remembers Us: Women, Myth, and Nature and Integral Review: A Transdisciplinary and Transcultural Journal For New Thought, Research, and Praxis. Mody holds a PhD in East West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies and an MFA in Creative Writing – Poetry from the University of Notre Dame. Web | Twitter @monicamody | Instagram @monica.mody.
Blog Posts:
“Visionary Poetics” (10/26/2020)
Vi Khi Nao
Vi Khi Nao is the author of six poetry collections: Fish Carcass (Black Sun Lit, 2022), A Bell Curve Is A Pregnant Straight Line (11:11 Press, 2021), Human Tetris (11:11 Press, 2019) Sheep Machine (Black Sun Lit, 2018), Umbilical Hospital (Press 1913, 2017), The Old Philosopher (winner of the Nightboat Prize for 2014), & of the short stories collection, A Brief Alphabet of Torture (winner of the 2016 FC2’s Ronald Sukenick Innovative Fiction Prize), the novel, Fish in Exile (Coffee House Press, 2016). Her work includes poetry, fiction, film and cross-genre collaboration. She was the Fall 2019 fellow at the Black Mountain Institute:
Blog Posts:
“Fall Garment: Vi Khi Nao interviews Paul Cunningham” (1/25/2022)
“I ATE A GHOST by Vi Khi Nao + Jessica Alexander” (1/5/2022)
Uche Nduka
Blog Posts:
“Three Poems from Mbari by Uche Nduka” (2/24/2022)
Never Angeline Nørth
Never Angeline Nørth is the author of the books Sea-Witch (Inside the Castle, 2020), Careful Mountain (CCM, 2016) and Sara, or the Existence of Fire (Horse Less Press, 2014). They live in Olympia, WA and are online at
Blog Posts:
“Excerpts from Sara, or The Presence of Water” (2/4/2021)
dg nanouk okpik
dg nanouk okpik was born and spent much of her life in Anchorage, Alaska. She graduated from Salish Kootenai College with an AFA in Liberal Arts and Liberal Studies, and later attended the Institute of American Indian Arts, graduating with an AFA and a BFA in Creative Writing before receiving her MFA in Creative Writing from Stonecoast College. okpik has won the Truman Capote Literary Award, the May Sarton Award, and an American Book Award for her first book, Corpse Whale (University of Arizona Press, 2012).
Blog Posts:
“’A Glacial Oil World’; ‘Whiteout Polar Bears’; and ‘Expedition Mars’ | Three poems from dg nanouk okpik’s Blood Snow (10/05/2022)
James Pate
James Pate is the author of The Fassbinder Diaries (Civil Coping Mechanisms), Flowers Among the Carrion (Action Books), and Speed of Life (Fahrenheit Press). His book reviews have appeared at 3:AM Magazine, Tarpaulin Sky, and Sublime Horror.
Blog Posts:
“New Decadence or Decadent Socialisim?: An Interview with Paul Cunningham” (7/14/2020)
Niina Polari
Blog Posts:
“Four Poems by Tytti Heikkinen” (Trans. by Niina Pollari (9/8/2020)
Maxwell Rabb
Blog Posts:
“From The Racket is Unbelievable” (10/17/2022)
Jake Reber
Jake Reber is a writer and artist. He is a co-curator of Hysterically Real and an editor for Recreational Resources. He has published several artist books and experimental projects, including Invasive Species (Void Front Press, 2019), Bureaucratic Topologies (Gauss-PDF, 2018), and Lobster Genesis (Orworse Press, 2016), among others. His newest book, ZER000 EXCESS was released in 2020 with 11:11 Press.
Blog Posts:
“Philosophy of the Sky: An Interview with Evan Isoline” (9/8/2021)
C. Samuel Rees
Blog Posts:
“‘M U T A T I O N S’ from Bomb Pulse” (1/14/2022)
AM Ringwalt
AM Ringwalt is a writer and musician. The author of The Wheel (Spuyten Duyvil, 2021), her work appears in Jacket2, Washington Square Review and Bennington Review. Called “unsettling” by NPR and “haunted” by The Wire, her newest record is Waiting Song. @amringwalt
Blog Posts:
“Citational A Series | Part 5: A Conclusion” (8/26/2022)
“‘It’s Not Animal to Forgive’: An Interview with Emily Pittinos” (9/10/2021)
“Crosswind” (3/24/2021)
“Citational Poetics: A Series | Part 4: Mothers and the Dead” (11/27/2020)
“Citational Poetics: A Series | Part 3: Self-Citation in Night Philosophy” (8/13/2020)
“Citational Poetics: A Series | Part 2: Linguistic Intimacy” (8/6/2020)
“Citational Poetics: A Series | Part 1: Cosmic Reordering” (7/24/2020)
“Citational Poetics: A Series | Introduction” (7/9/2020)
“Occult Ekphrasis in Vi Khi Nao’s Sheep Machine” (6/25/2020)
“The Reading Girl and the Young Girl” (5/27/2020)
“Bewilderment in This Blue Novel” (5/12/2020)
“New-New-New Body Language” (4/23/2020)
Sarah Riggs
Sarah Riggs is the author of seven books of poetry, most recently Eavesdrop (Chax, 2020) and The Nerve Epistle (Roof Books, fall 2021). She has translated and co-translated six books of contemporary French poetry into English, including most recently Oscarine Bosquet’s Present Participle and Etel Adnan’s Time, which won the International Griffin Poetry Prize and the Best Translated Book Award in 2020. Sarah Riggs lives in Brooklyn, NY.
Blog Posts:
“From Love is Colder Than the Lake | Liliane Giraudon translated by Lindsay Turner and Sarah Riggs” (8/23/2021)
Raquel Salas Rivera
Raquel Salas Rivera (Mayagüez, 1985) is a Puerto Rican poet, translator, and editor. His honors include being named the 2018-19 Poet Laureate of Philadelphia and receiving the New Voices Award from Puerto Rico’s Festival de la Palabra. He is the author of five full-length poetry books. His third book, lo terciario/ the tertiary won the Lambda Literary Award for Transgender Poetry and was longlisted for the 2018 National Book Award. His fourth book, while they sleep (under the bed is another country), was longlisted for the 2020 Pen America Open Book Award and was a finalist for CLMP’s 2020 Firecracker Award. His fifth book, x/ex/exis won the inaugural Ambroggio Prize. antes que isla es volcán/ before island is volcano, his sixth book, is an imaginative leap into Puerto Rico’s decolonial future and is forthcoming from Beacon Press in 2022. He holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory at the University of Pennsylvania and now writes and teaches in Puerto Rico.
Blog Posts:
“‘The rust of history’: Five Poems by Sotero Rivera Avilés” (9/3/2020)
Noah Ross
Noah Ross is a bookseller, editor, and poet based in Berkeley, CA. The author of Active Reception (Nightboat Books, 2021), Types (Nion Editions, 2021), and Swell (Otis Books / Seismicity Editions, 2019), Noah edits Baest: a journal of queer forms & affects.
Blog Posts:
“‘About Face” (9/13/2021)
Jayme Russell
Jayme Russell is the author of two chapbooks: Pinkification (Dancing Girl Press) and Pink Poems (Adjunct Press). Her work has most recently appeared in Cream City Review, Pleiades, Heavy Feather Review, and elsewhere. She received her MA from Ohio University and her MFA from Notre Dame. @jaymerussell
Blog Posts:
“Iconic Oracles: On Anne Carson and Paul Cunningham” (3/5/2021)
“Notes on Five New Books” (1/18/2021)
“Step into the Dark: Transmuting Dark” (7/3/2020)
“Infinite Regress: On Candice Wuehle’s Death Industrial Complex” (5/8/2020)
Soeun Seo
Soeun Seo is a poet and translator from South Korea and a current fellow at the Michener Center for Writers. They co-translated Kim Yideum’s Hysteria (Action Books, 2019) and is currently co-translating Kim Min Jeong’s Beautiful and Useless which will be coming out in October 2020 with Black Ocean.
Blog Posts:
“‘Man, all these tigers in cages and shit’: Three Poems” (10/23/2020)
“From Beautiful and Useless” (11/02/2020)
Philip Sorenson
Philip Sorenson is the author of Of Embodies (Rescue Press, 2012) and Solar Trauma (Rescue Press, 2018). A shorter handmade work, New Recordings, was released by Another New Calligraphy in 2018, but it’s now out of print. He co-edits The Journal Petra with Olivia Cronk.
Blog Posts:
“Notes Toward a Z-Axial Literature | Part 3: Toward a Time-Genre” (7/7/2020)
“Notes Toward a Z-Axial Literature | Part 2: Scale, Conjecture, Gossip, Wah-Wah-Wah-ing” (6/23/2020)
“Notes Toward a Z-Axial Literature | Part 1: Time Travel” (5/25/2020)
Adam Strauss
Adam Strauss lives in Louisville, KY. He works as a substitute teacher in the Jefferson County Public Schools system. Poems of his appear in the Brooklyn Rail, Word For/Word, Sporklet, Prelude, and Blackbox Manifold. He adores any writing that end-rhymes, and visual-arts wise he is obsessed with Marc Chagall’s “I and the Village.”
Blog Posts:
“Joyelle—Catalyst” (7/12/2022)
Justin Sun
Justin Sun is a recent graduate of Kenyon College with degrees in English and Spanish. He is from San Jose, California and currently teaches in Chicago.
Blog Posts:
“Uncertain Intimacy: The Refractions of Selfish Translation” (9/9/2020)
Jake Syersak
Jake Syersak is author of the poetry collections Mantic Compost (Trembling Pillow Press, 2020) and Yield Architecture (Burnside Review Books, 2018). He is also the translator of two full-length works by Mohammed Khaïr-Eddine: the hybrid novel Agadir (Diálogos Press, 2020) and the poetry volume Proximal Morocco– (World Poetry Books, forthcoming).
Blog Posts:
“Mantic Compost Poetics: An Ontological Defense of Surrealism in the Service of Eco-Poetics | Introduction & Part I” (2/8/2022)
“‘Deteriorated Fauna’ by Mohammed Khaïr-Eddine” (Translated by Jake Syersak) (9/4/2020)
Rodrigo Toscano
Rodrigo Toscano is a poet and essayist based in New Orleans. He is the author of ten books of poetry. His latest book is The Charm & The Dread (Fence Books, 2022). His Collapsible Poetics Theater was a National Poetry Series selection) His poetry has appeared in over 20 anthologies, including Best American Poetry and Best American Experimental Poetry (BAX). Toscano has received a New York State Fellowship in Poetry. He won the Edwin Markham 2019 prize for poetry. Twitter: @Toscano200
Blog Posts:
“Three Poems” (4/6/2022)
Amish Trivedi
Blog Posts:
“From FuturePanic” (12/8/2021)
Lindsay Turner
Lindsay Turner is the author of the poetry collection Songs & Ballads (Prelude, 2018) and the chapbook Fortnights (Doublecross Press, forthcoming). She’s the translator of several books of contemporary Francophone poetry and philosophy, including work by Stéphane Bouquet, Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Anne Dufourmantelle, Richard Rechtman, and Ryoko Sekiguchi. She is Assistant Professor in the Department of Literary Arts at the University of Denver.
Blog Posts:
“From Love is Colder Than the Lake | Liliane Giraudon translated by Lindsay Turner and Sarah Riggs” (8/23/2021)
Kelsi Vanada
Kelsi Vanada’s translations include Sergio Espinosa’s Into Muteness (Veliz Books) and Berta García Faet’s The Eligible Age (Song Bridge Press), and she is the author of the poetry chapbook Rare Earth (Finishing Line Press). Kelsi is the Program Manager of the American Literary Translators Association in Tucson, Arizona. (@KelsiVanada)
Blog Posts:
“Five Poems from Cesto de trenzas / Basket of Braids by Natalia Litvinova” (Translated by Kelsi Vanada) (8/9/2021)
Valerie Virginia Vargas
Valerie Virginia Vargas is a Venezuelan-American poet and printmaker from South Florida. She is an MFA candidate in poetry at the University of Notre Dame. Her work can be found in Jellyfish Magazine, [PANK] Magazine, and TYPO Magazine. She is forthcoming in Waterproof, book two of The Miami Trilogy published by Jai-Alai Books.
Blog Posts:
“‘Catastrophizing Cliché: On Helena Boberg’s Sense Violence” (2/16/2021)
Nikki Wallschlaeger
Nikki Wallschlaeger’s work has been featured in The Nation, Brick, American Poetry Review, Witness, Kenyon Review, POETRY, and others. She is the author of the full-length collections Houses (Horseless Press 2015) and Crawlspace (Bloof 2017) as well as the graphic book I Hate Telling You How I Really Feel (2019) from Bloof Books. She is also the author of an artist book called “Operation USA” through the Baltimore based book arts group Container, a project acquired by Woodland Pattern Book Center in Milwaukee. Her third collection, Waterbaby, is forthcoming from Copper Canyon Press in 2021.
Blog Posts:
“Galentine’s Day” (2/24/2021)
Hannah V Warren
Hannah V Warren is a doctoral student at the University of Georgia where she studies poetry and speculative narratives. Her writing and research interests focus on the grotesque, post/apocalypse literature, and representations of alterity. Hannah’s chapbook [re]construction of the necromancer won Sundress Publications’ 2019 chapbook contest, and her prose and poetry have haunted or will soon appear in Gulf Coast, Passages North, The Pinch, Strange Horizons, THRUSH, and Fairy Tale Review, among others.
Blog Posts:
“From Southern Gothic Corpse Machine” (3/18/2022)
“Down: An Interview with Erin Elizabeth Smith” (5/3/2021)
“Danger Days: An Interview with Catherine Pierce” (11/13/2020)
“The ‘Poison-Green World’ in Catherine Pierce’s Danger Days” (11/12/2020)
“‘Smaller and larger nooks of still-living cell tissue’: Wax Casts, Mouththroats, and Bells in Helena Boberg’s Sense Violence” (7/29/2020)
“The Wolf, the Dog, and the Non-Girl: A Micro-Review of Valerie Hsiung’s You & Me Forever” (4/29/2020)
Molly Weigel
Molly Weigel‘s translation of Jorge Santiago Perednik’s Shock of the Lenders and Other Poems received the 2013 PEN Poetry in Translation Prize and her translation of Oliverio Girondo’s In the Moremarrow was shortlisted for the 2014 BTBA (both published by Action Books). She has published poems in Burning House Press, EOAGH!, and The Volta (They Will Sew the Blue Sail); translations in Burning House Press, West Branch, and Mantis; and critical essays in The Volta and Jacket 2, among others.
Blog Posts:
“Cicada variations” (6/14/2021)
“Three Poems by Léon Damas” (Trans. by Molly Weigel and Erik Greb) (9/11/2020)
Barrett White
Barrett White is a writer and artist. Since 2014, he has edited Tagvverk, a journal of digital literature. His creative and critical writing has been published in FLAT, Gauss PDF, Hysterically Real, Entropy, Full Stop, Fanzine, and elsewhere. Other works have been recently presented in New York, NY (Printed Matter); Troy, NY (Collar Works); Seattle, WA (Northwest Film Forum); and Los Angeles, CA (Roger’s Office). A graduate of Florida State University and the Bard College MFA Program, he currently lives in Florida, where he teaches.
Blog Posts:
“Pabulite Poetics: On John Pætsch’s Ctasy – of shapes off-shore” (5/26/2021)
“Chthonic Noise and Swarming Excess: Jake Reber’s EXCESS ZER000” (1/6/2021)
Austyn Wohlers
An artist from Atlanta, Austyn Wohlers is an assistant editor of Action Books. She is working on a novel about an orchard, and on an album with her band Tomato Flower.
Blog Posts:
“Diary of a Proletarian Seamstress: An Interview with Honora Spicer and Anastatia Spicer” (12/7/2020)
“Hysteria: An Interview with Hedgie Choi and Soeun Seo” (10/22/2020)
Candice Wuehle
Candice Wuehle is the author of the novel MONARCH (Soft Skull, 2022) as well as the poetry collections Fidelitoria: Fixed or Fluxed (11:11, 2021); 2020 Believer Magazine Book Award finalist, Death Industrial Complex (Action Books, 2020); and BOUND (Inside the Castle Press, 2018). Her writing has appeared in Best American Experimental Writing 2020, The Iowa Review, Black Warrior Review, Tarpaulin Sky, The Volta, The Bennington Review, and The New Delta Review. She holds an MFA in poetry from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and PhD in Creative Writing from the University of Kansas. @glittertrash__
Blog Posts:
“Lo Ferris in Conversation with Candice Wuehle” (9/1/2o21)
“‘I follow the traces’: Affect as Occult Technology in Öijer’s The Trilogy” (6/2/2020)
“i’m going to speak slowly / in the language of the mise en abyme, or, an afterword to Death Industrial Complex” (5/19/2020)
Andrew Zawacki
Andrew Zawacki is the author of the poetry books Unsun : f/11 (Coach House), Videotape (Counterpath), Petals of Zero Petals of One (Talisman House), Anabranch (Wesleyan), and By Reason of Breakings (Georgia). He has published several books in France, among them Georgia and Carnet Bartleby, both translated by Sika Fakambi, and Par Raison de brisants, translated by Antoine Cazé and a finalist for the Prix Nelly Sachs. Zawacki’s translation of Sébastien Smirou, My Lorenzo (Burning Deck), received a French Voices Grant, and his translation of Smirou’s See About (La Presse/Fence) earned an NEA Translation Fellowship and a fellowship from the Centre National du Livre.
Blog Posts:
“Anne Portugal: My 5 Selfies with John Ashbery” (Translated by Andrew Zawacki) (9/23/2020)